Georgia Tech 
GVU Center/College of Computing
Human Identification at a Distance
(Funded by Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency HID Program)
- Post Doctoral
- PhD Students
- MS Students
We are developing ways to identify humans at a
distance. One primary focus of our work is on gait recognition. We
propose a technique that recovers static body and stride parameters of subjects
as they walk. This approach is an example of an activity-specific biometric:
a method of extracting some identifying properties of an individual or of an
individual's behavior that is only applicable when a person is performing that
specific action. We are also analyzing the ability of time-normalized joint
angle trajectories in the walking plane as a means of gait recognition. In
addition, we are undertaking related work in locating and tracking
faces (with expressions and speech), detecting occlusions and doing activity
specific background subtraction.
- Johnson, Sun, Bobick,
"Predicting large population data cumulative match characteristic
performance from small population data" In 4th International
Conference on Audio- and Video Based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA
2003), University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, June 2003.[pdf]
- Tanawongsuwan,
Bobick, “Performance Analysis of Time-Distance Gait Parameters under
Different Speeds” In 4th International Conference on Audio-
and Video Based Biometric Person Authentication, Guildford,
UK, June 2003. [pdf]
- Tanawongsuwan,
Bobick, “Characteristics of Time-Distance Gait Parameters across Speeds”,
Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA, Technical Report GIT-GVU-03-01, 2003. [pdf]
- Johnson, Bobick "Relationship between identification
metrics: Expected Confusion and Area Under a ROC
curve" In International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR 2002) Quebec, Canada,
August 2002.[pdf]
- Bobick,
Johnson "Gait recognition using static activity-specific
parameters" In Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition Conference (CVPR 2001), Kauai, Hawaii, December 2001.[pdf]
- Tanawongsuwan,
Bobick, "Gait recognition from
time-normalized joint-angle trajectories in the walking plane"
In Proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Conference (CVPR 2001), Kauai, Hawaii, December 2001. [pdf]
- Johnson, Bobick, "A Multi-view Method for Gait
Recognition Using Static Body Parameters" In 3rd
International Conference on Audio- and Video Based Biometric Person
Authentication, pages 301-311, Halmstad, Sweden,
June 2001.[pdf]
Facial Modeling
Animated Speakers
- L. Reveret,
I. Essa, Visual Coding and Tracking of Speech
Related Facial Motion (PS.gz | PDF)
In CUES 2001 Workshop, Held in conjuction
with CVPR 2001, Lihue, Hawaii, Dec 2001, also available as Georgia Tech,
GVU Center Tech Report No. GIT-GVU-TR-01-16
Activity Specific Occlusion and Background Detection
Motion Based Decompositing
of Video
- Brostow,
G., and I. Essa, "Motion-based Video Decompositing." In Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision 1999 (ICCV’99), Corfu, Greece,
March 1999.Also available as Georga Tech, GVU
Center Tech Report No. GIT-GVU-TR-98-31 (Abstract
| PS.Z | PDF).
Depth Layers from Occlusions