Before attempting to decipher this page please review the data description page, our method page, and peruse the FTP data site.
As noted in the data description, there are 15 subjects for whom we have all forms of video data: angle-indoors, side-indoor-near, side-indoor-far, and angle-outdoor. For each subject and for each of the two angle conditions, we have 6 trials each. For the side conditions, we have 3 trials each. This means that there is a total of: 15*(6+6+3+3) = 270 trials. (Actually, there are 268, see below.)
On the ftp data site, all data is organized by subject. In each subject directory is the outdoor angle directory and the indoor directory which has both side and angle data.
Now the bad news. The angle for the indoor data is at ground level with the subject walking at 45 degrees with respect to the camera. Because of that symmetry, we didn't distinguish between the person walking left to right or right to left, or (even worse) toward the camera or away. Also, though there are six side views per subject (3 close, 3 far) the six side view files in each directory are not in any particular order. Furthermore, some are right to left, some are left to right.
In light of this data structuring, we
generate a table that is a similarity comparison (by finding the mahalanobis distance) between the indoor angle trials
and all trials (including the indoor angle).
The covariance matrix used to compute the mahalanobis distance is the individual variation of the feature (walk) vector. To compute this matrix , we subtract the mean walk
vector of each subject from each of their trials and then
compute the covariance over all the trials.
The table is 268
rows by 88 columns. The headings of the columns refer to the gallery (angle-indoors), and the row headings are the probe views (angle-indoors, side-indoor-near, side-indoor-far, and angle-outdoor). For out technique there is not a training set.
The headings for the rows and columns will be written using a TRIAL label defined as follows:
<TRIAL> := sub<SUB#><COND><TRIAL#>
<SUB#> := 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
<COND>:= ai | si | ao
<TRIAL#>:= t01 | t02 | t03 | t04 | t05 | t06
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