Interactive Mosaic Generation
for Video Navigation
Kihwan Kim, Irfan Essa,
Gregory D. Abowd
College of
Computing, Georgia
Institute of Technology
Navigation through
large multimedia collections that include videos and images still remains a
hard problem. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to visualize
and navigate through the collection by creating a mosaic image that represents
the compilation. This image is generated by a labeling-based layout algorithm
using various sizes of sample tile images from the collection. Each tile represents both the photographs and video files
representing scenes selected by matching algorithms. This generated mosaic image provides a new way
for thematic video and also visually summarizes the videos. Users can generate
these mosaics with some predefined themes and layouts, or base it on the
results of their queries. Our approach supports automatic generation of these
layouts by using meta-information such as color, time-line and existence of
faces or manually generated annotated information from existing systems (e.g.,
the Family Video Archive).
, I.Essa and G.Abowd Interactive Mosaic Generation
for Video Navigation. In Proceeding of the ACM
International conference on Multimedia 2006 (ACMMM06)
- (to be appeared) [PDF]
Result of each step of interactive mosaic

Original template image (b) Labeling and Packing image
(c) Result of matching image ( using 1000 key-frames
from "Hero(2003)")
Diagram : Process of interactive mosaicing.

Result of interactive mosaic using some chinese letter
as a template

mosaic with phrase "Anthony's Pics" as a template,
and using the keyframes from family-videos where anthony
is appeared on them.

work @GT
Photo Collage Authoring
Video Archive in Ubicomp in the home(Aware Home)
related work
-Hausner, A. Simulating Decorative Mosaics. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH
'01, (Los
Angeles,CA), 2001,
-Kim, J. and F. Pellacini.
Jigsaw Image Mosaics. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH
'02, (San
Antonio, TX) ,2002,
-Smith, K., Y. Liu,
et al. Animosaics. In Proc. of the ACM
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer Animation, 2005, 201-208
-Arman, F., R.Depommier, et al. Content-based Browsing
of Video Sequences. In Proc. of the ACM
Multimedia, 1994, 1-8
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